I’m Winnie 💕

I’ve been devouring books since I was old enough to read, often spending my summer days reading a book a day at my family’s cabin. There’s simply nothing like getting lost in a made-up world, making new friends and becoming someone else.

Sadly, as I reached adulthood, life got busy and somehow books took a backseat. Then, in 2021, I sold everything I owned, including my MASSIVE book collection, and moved to Mexico. Since living in Mexico, I’d read a single book—Mexican Gothic—until I discovered A Court of Thornes and Roses.

Yes, I’m one of THOSE book girlies.

So, now I spend my evenings cuddling with Minnie Winnie, my Frenchie (and her two pug brothers) reading. Or spend my afternoon drifting around in my pool with a book in hand. I’m slowly rebuilding my book collection here in Mexico, and I’m thrilled to share my latest reads.

My newly rediscovered love of books has also reignited my love for writing, and I’m currently working on my first book (Ok, my six first books because I can’t stick to just one thing).

If you’re a book girly who has recently discovered (or re-discovered) your passion for books, writing, or both, you’re in the right place. Let’s uncover some magic ✨

Snoop My TBR

Dark Fantasy

Amazon | Barns & Noble

Dark Fantasy



Amazon | Macy’s

Dark Romance


YA Sci-Fi

Amazon | Target

Dark Fantasy

Amazon | Target

Psyc Thriller

Amazon | Target

Dark Fantasy



Amazon | Target

Dark Fantasy

Amazon | Target

Dark Romance


Dark Fantasy

Amazon | Target



Dark Fantasy


Dark Romance



Amazon | Target

I read almost everything, but my current to-be-read (TBR) list is filled with fantasy, dark romance and spicy books. I do occasionally read YA novels, usually dystopian or sci-fi, but recently I’ve been more interested in older FMCs (which makes sense, since I’m no longer a teen).

I’m always writing fresh reviews and compiling book lists (continuously chasing that fresh story high!), so if you’re on the hunt for a new read (or simply want to add more to that massive TBR), you’re in the right place. Here’s what I read most recently:

✨ My recent reviews ✨

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